
How fasting is beneficial for us?

By:- Riya Upveja

Fasting means putting a complete stop to eating for a certain amount of time or in some cases you are allowed to eat and drink a specific type of food. Fasting can last for 12-24 hours and sometimes it can last for days depending on what kind of fasting you prefer. It is a tradition practiced in many religions like Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism followed in different manners. It is believed that fasting is practiced to develop spiritual strength and to make the spirits masters of our bodies. It also helps us to develop self-mastery and resist temptation.

But besides these spiritual beliefs fasting is also proven to be good for our health in many ways. Additionally, studies indicate that some forms of fasting might be beneficial for many reasons like lowering blood pressure, glucose levels, insulin sensitivity, and other health issues, as well as cholesterol and other lipids.

Fasting helps weight loss:

As studies have shown that intermittent fasting, or controlled fasting within a certain number of hours, causes the body to burn off fat cells more effectively than merely ordinary dieting, fasting can be a healthy strategy to lose weight.

The body might use fat as its main source of energy instead of sugar when you engage in intermittent fasting. Nowadays, a lot of athletes fast to reach low body fat percentages for contests.


Improves insulin sensitivity:

You can handle carbs (sugar) better than you would if you didn't fast thanks to the favourable effects of fasting on insulin sensitivity. According to a study, insulin works better to signal cells to take up glucose from the blood following periods of fasting.


Speeds up the metabolism:

Your digestive system gets a break when you fast intermittently, which can power up your metabolism and help you burn calories more effectively. Poor digestion might interfere with your body's metabolize meals and burn fat. Intermittent fasting can improve your metabolic health by regulating digestion and encouraging normal bowel movements.


Promotes longevity: 

Whether you like it or not, eating less will make you live longer. Research has found that various societies' diets contributed to people living longer. A slower metabolism is one of the main side effects of aging; a metabolism is faster and more effective in a young body. Your digestive system is less stressed the less you consume.


Improves hunger: 

So that you can feel actual hunger, fasting helps to balance your hormone levels. We are aware that fat people's excessive eating habits prevent them from getting the right signal when they are full. Consider fasting as a reset button: the longer you fast, the more your body can control its hormone release and allow you to feel true hunger. Not to mention that when your hormones are functioning properly, you feel full more quickly.


Improves eating patterns:

For those who struggle with binge eating disorders and for those who find it challenging to develop a healthy eating pattern owing to work and other commitments, fasting can be a beneficial practice. Going without a meal for the entire afternoon is acceptable while using intermittent fasting, which also enables you to schedule your meals to meet your schedule. Moreover, if you want to avoid binge eating, set out a time when you're allowed to consume all of your recommended daily caloric intakes in one sitting and then skip meals the rest of the day.


Improves immune system:

Fasting strengthens the immune system because it lessens the effects of free radicals, controls inflammatory responses within the body, and inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Animals in nature cease eating when they are ill and instead concentrate on resting. Reducing internal tension so that the body can fight off infection is a basic tendency. The only other species that search for food when it is not necessary is humankind.


Helps clear the skin and prevent acne:

When the body is temporarily relieved from digestion during a fast, it may concentrate its healing efforts on other systems, which can aid in skin clearing. It has been demonstrated that abstaining from food for just one day can assist the body to eliminate toxins and control how the liver, kidneys, and other organs work.


If you're a healthy adult, whether your weight is normal or heavier, a brief fast is unlikely to harm you. Your body still requires a healthy diet and fuel to function properly. Hence, always consult your doctor before making any decisions, particularly if you use any medications or have any health issues. Any type of fasting should be avoided if you are expecting, nursing, or have a history of eating disorders. Teenagers and children should not fast.
