
Compliance report for the month of November 2022

Appendix I

S.No.Grievances and actions takenNumber
1Grievances pending at the beginning of the monthNIL
2Grievances disposed out of (1) aboveNIL
3Grievances disposed out of (1) aboveNA
4Grievances disposed out of (2) aboveNA
5Grievances pending at the end of the month (1+2-3-4)NIL
6Classification of grievances disposed
6(a)Grievances not related to Code of Ethics NIL
6(b)Grievances related to Code of Ethics: NIL
(i)Agreed to by the publisher and action takenNA
(ii)Not agreed to by the publisherNA
(iii)Any other action takenNA
7Orders, directions and advisories received from Central Government and Self regulatory Bodies
7(a)Number of Orders, directions and advisories receivedNIL
7(b)Orders, directions and advisories complied toNA

Appendix II

S.No.Grievances/appeals and actions takenNumber
1Grievances/appeals pending at the beginning of the monthNIL
2Grievances/appeals disposed out of (1) aboveNIL
3Grievances/appeals disposed out of (1) aboveNA
4Grievances/appeals disposed out of (2) aboveNA
5Grievances/appeals pending at the end of the month (1+2-3-4)NIL
6Classification of grievances disposed
6(a)Grievances/appeals not related to Code of EthicsNIL
6(b)Grievances/appeals related to Code of Ethics:NIL
(i)Agreed to by the self-regulatory body and advisories issued to the publishersNA
(ii)Not agreed to by the bodyNA
(iii)Matters referred to the Ministry for modification, deletion or blocking of contentNIL
(iv)Any other action takenNA
7Compliance to advisories issued
7(a)Advisories complied to by the publishersNA
7(b)Advisories not complied to by the publishers and matters referred to the Oversight MechanismNIL