
Is youth becoming blockheaded as a result of modern education?

By: Riya Upveja
Modern education is the education that has brought people into the world of technology. Technology has changed the vision of the world as well as education. It has given the students a new way of thinking, encouraged their imaginative skills, and also made it possible to turn their imaginations into reality. It has provided them with an infinite number of resources to enhance their knowledge and practical thinking power  In earlier times people used to study through old school or traditional education methods where they had to read and search for everything through books. In the past few years, education has taken a major turn. Modern education has taken over traditional education by completely changing the way of providing and receiving information. Especially during the pandemic time, the modern education system played a major role in providing knowledge to students through online classes. All institutions, colleges, and schools opted for this method of teaching through the internet.   Education is now revolving around technology and gadgets have become our books. Modern education is really helpful to gather information from around the world at any place and any time in whichever form unlike the traditional education methods but even after being highly interactive it is still lacking the essence of communication from sitting all together in one classroom to sitting by yourself with a phone or a laptop creates much difference in learning as well as teaching. Although having technology by our side is a good thing but students are completely relying on it to do even the smallest of a task. Technology has provided us with a variety of abundant resources to inform us and provide knowledge but the information being too easily available has lost its value. Students do not bother learning these days instead they go and search for the results as soon as they need them and get done with it after that. The way we receive knowledge is really important to keep the knowledge with us. People letting computers do all of their tasks has made the majority of people’s minds weaker as they are not being active frequently and spending most of their time socializing and scrolling through their feeds on the internet. The use of technology in the field of education has made a lot of positive impacts but this impact is hiding all the negative impacts it has on students like: Lower attention span: shorter span of focus. Technology can directly affect pupils' attention spans, according to teachers, parents, and students themselves. The instantaneous nature of modern contacts makes waiting more difficult for kids. They no longer have to wait thanks to technology. They don't get bored since they always have something to keep them occupied, and they can watch their TV show right away. The short attention spans of both young children and teenagers are being impacted by the quick pace; prompt reactions, and instant satisfaction of technology.   Increased risk and lack of privacy: The concept of privacy is somewhat alien to teenagers and young children because they have grown up in a technologically advanced environment. Today's technology is heavily reliant on cyber security, but it isn't always flawless. Technology can be used by hackers and criminals to harass youngsters and steal identities. Theft, privacy concerns, harassment, and other problems have all increased as a result of technology. Consider beginning your degree today if you want to aid the IT sector by providing cybersecurity experts who can make the technology safer for kids.   Risk of depression: Children and teenagers who use media more frequently are more prone to experience mental health problems as well. A significant problem that is linked to increased media use is depression. Due to rising suicide rates, more young people are now in need of mental health interventions including medication and counselling. According to experts, utilizing technology or social media can be directly linked to higher depression rates.   Obesity: Children who spend more time indoors using their phones or tablets don't go outside as often to run and play. They develop technology usage habits that don't entail exercise. This may result in a rise in childhood and adolescent obesity rates.   Falling grades: Many students today can see their grades take a hit when they spend more time with technology. Increasing technology usage means less time spent on homework, and the kind of developmental changes technology can bring can make students struggle with homework like reading and writing.    Social Interaction Issues: Younger children are having difficulties with face-to-face social interactions as a result of spending more time on technology. Instead of speaking to each other face-to-face, many people appear to prefer texting or communicating on social media.    Technology surely does help the youth to work smartly but the dark side of technology is being highly ignored by the students as well as the educational institutions just to make learning more efficient and faster. Technology is not only making an effect of their thinking skills and self-learning power but it is also doing some major damage to their brain psychologically which is creating a loop and affecting their academic as well as social life making them blockheaded. It is scary to see that if this scenario continues in the future the condition of the youths’ brains will be much worse because they are much more focused on getting the work done using technology, various applications, and tools rather than doing proper research or thinking. Schools and other educational institutes should try balancing the modern education system and the old school education system together. Students should be taught about how to use technology and operate artificial intelligence but at the same time should be taught through books to provide them with detailed information and to activate their thinking and observing skills. Parents as well as teachers should pay attention 